Apr [2023]
Film Title Sequence

3D Animated & Real Footage Sequence
A0 & A1 Poster
48pp/176 x 250mm/Casebound
DVD Insert & Laser Engraving

Art Direction
3D Modelling & Animation
Audio Design & Mixing
Typographic Design
↳ Hereunder  follows gallery owner Ivan who must prove his innocence to insurers and his own brother, when fraud
investigators come knocking at his closet door.

Ivan and Robbie, two estranged brothers, become entangled in a web of deceit when a fraudulent insurance claim threatens to expose their dark secrets. The film's title sequence serves as a unique portal into Ivan's troubled mind, offering a glimpse into the liminal world that reflects his internal turmoil. Inviting the audience to delve into the depths of Ivan's subconscious.
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©Fionn McArdle 2024